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Adobe Experience Manager - Create an OSGI Configuration

 In this article, let's create an OSGi configuration, configure it and use it in AEM code. So now let's get started with the creation of an OSGi configuration. Technical details and Assumptions: All the following details are tested in AEM version 6.5.8, Java version 11.0.2 Creation of OSGi configuration: To create an OSGi configuration we need to create an ObjectClassDefinition. I have included a sample OCD configuration, which can be used as a reference to create one. The next step would be to create an interface and an implementation that can help fetch the OSGi configurations.  Interface: Implementation: Let's try to use the OSGi configuration created so far in Models/Servlets. For demonstration purposes, I used AEM Models here, but the same can be implemented in Servlets too. Now that we have created the OSGi configuration. Once building the code, we should be able to see the OSGi configuration in the web console (http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr) Configur

Does Savitar exist in Hindu Mythology?

        Flash, the DC series talks about a Hindu God. Is he for real or just a made up name? Sridhar tries to unravel the mystery.

Flash Season 3 Episode 6 ‘Shade’ revealed who the flash of light was – an evil giant speedster going by the name ‘Savitar’ and calling himself the God of Speed. Episode 7 ‘Killer Frost’ delved more into this DC Comic villain. HR (current Harrison Wells) calls him the Hindu God of motion.

Who is Savitar? Comic book fans would know him as a Cold War pilot appearing in Flash Volume 2 as someone who tests a supersonic fighter jet. As he reached top speed, his plane was struck by what appeared to be lightning, and he discovered, he could defeat the enemy by moving at super-speed. He became obsessed with speed, naming himself after Savitr, the Hindu “god of motion”, and dedicating his life to unlocking its secrets.

I decided to venture further into this claim. Is there a Hindu God by this name? Surprisingly, there is.

There are many hymns in the Rig Veda (the first Veda and grammatically older than the other Vedas) dedicated to deities that are not part of the popular religion today. They are just a name in the 33 crore deities, now. One of them is Savitr.

Savitr is one of the solar deities or ‘Adityas’, as some call it. Mostly associated with – and at other times distinguished from – Surya, “the Sun”. (Surya is also called Aditya). The Sun before sunrise is called Savitr, and after sunrise until sunset it is called Surya. Can this mean he was referred to as the dark

What is interesting here is that Savitr is said to be the Lord of that which moves and is stationary. Important to note; movement, not speed. Some will argue, that which is moving or stationary has speed. Which is partly true. If something is still, it does have a speed of 0.

So, while we enjoy the fantasy world of Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow (who finally becomes the sweet Snow we know…), Cisco Ramon, Wally West (Kid Flash, yeaaaah) and others, a trip down India’s mythology helps realize that we have some fantastic characters already. All it requires is some good brains to invest their time and some worthy production house to invest their resources!


  1. let me tell you one thing hinduism is not a mythology so you better remove that word

    1. It's scientifically a mythology, nothing of which can be explained fysically and is only mentioned in certain texts which makes it even less beliveable. And if it were true you could have easily proven your point in that comment, but you did not because there is NO proof of hinduism actually saying something that is relevant today or even worth praising. Hoped you found my commentery on your comment helpful and I wish that you allow yourself to be open minded when new evidence that debunks your claims is presented.

    2. And when have hinduism done anything good to you compared to all the scientific research that has saved countless lives every day and will in the for seeable future?

    3. maybe stop with religion ranting. you couldve just told them that it technically is a mythology and left it at that.

    4. Hi @unknown I guess u haven't done ur research as we all know there were proofs of rockets which are used nowadays in their model form the space suit worn by the astronauts and the smallest unit 'ANU' which we know as cell so please get urself corrected and dont talk baseless regarding any religion brother. Sanatana dharma exists even today and let's not argue on this!

  2. Bro this is a good article, I love the Flash series and it was nice knowing now that there is a god Savitr in hinduism.


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